Personal Details
Dr. P.K. Rajiv, son of Brig. P.K. Lakshmanan and Ms. Premavalli is one of the leading neonatologists in India. His preliminary studies were done in Trivandrum, at Loyola School and Mar Ivanious College, after which he started his medical training in Calicut Medical College.
A brilliant student throughout, he went on to pursue his post graduate studies at SSG Hospital, Baroda, an MD at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, where his medical career was channelised in to child services. Further proficiency in the field was acquired during his fellowship in Neonatology at Westmead Hospital, Australia, and Fellowship in High Frequency Ventilation at the University of IOWA Hospitals and Clinics, USA.
Dr. P.K. Rajiv has many path breaking achievements in neonatal services to his credit during the span of his career.The most significant of them is his successful application of 'Viagra' for the emergency treatment of pulmonary hypertension in newborn. Dr. Rajiv's is one amongst the first in the world in this successful management